“ Embark on a cooperative or solo adventure in the enchanting world of Mythwind ! This "cozy" board game returns and offers a captivating story, unique characters, magical sprites, and an unending journey.”
11,040 backers pledged CA$ 1,341,391 &7,020 backers pledged…
And now,ladies and gentlemen, Mesdames et Messieurs, please join us in welcoming LongPack's new North American Sales Director Andre Kieren . Andre is no stranger to the board game industry, having co-founded Golden Goose and held key roles at big names like Games…
Are you a board game dreamer looking to bring your vision to life? Join us at Booth 2568 and discover how LongPack can elevate your board game production. From concept to completion, our team of experts will guide you through every step of the process.…
“ Horror on the Orient Express: The Board Game brings the award-winning Call of Cthulhu horror and mystery TTRPG into the board gaming world. Special rules, ongoing character development, and awesome play pieces provide a challenging and exciting gaming experience. Your journey on the Orient…
Where did your board game dream originate?
Where did your best-selling work originate?
Booth 1515 at Origins Game Fair is your place to be! Stop by and say hi!. LongPack can be the origin of all this.
LongPack is known for our high-quality products and excellent customer…
“ Biome , Protect your baby animals and build the most biodiverse Biome in this highly thematic nature-themed tableau builder for 1-4 players.”
6,043 backers pledged $400,240 to help bring this Kickstarter project to life.
"LongPack Games is proud to empower…
Prepare to witness the fiery passion of LongPack as we descend upon the UK Games Expo (UKGE) from May. 31 to June.2, 2024. Like a magical oriental Loong breathing life into its creations, we will showcase our unparalleled expertise and comprehensive manufacturing services in the…
With the cherry blossoms painting the landscape pink, LongPack is excited to embark on a new adventure at The Tokyo Game Market, Booth 66.
This vibrant event is the largest board game expo in Asia, and a haven for all things analog gaming. From international…
玩具和游戏行业的顶级盛会,游戏制造商协会年度贸易展览会 (GAMA 展会) 将强势回归,带来更加精彩的内容。来自 300 多家参展商、游戏创作者和行业专家将齐聚一堂,进行交流合作。
各位休闲和硬核玩家们注意啦!收拾好你们的日程表,并标注下 2024 年 2 月 23 日至 25 日。LongPack Games 兴奋地宣布我们将参加戛纳国际游戏节 (FIJ)(展位号:04.06),这里是桌面冒险的终极目的地。